Thursday, April 26, 2012

judie's quilt

large front (yet wonky) view
 we all have people in our lives to whom we may not be genetically bound, people that have earned the title of: aunt, grandma, grandpa, uncle, sister, brother. i, for one, feel grateful for the wisdom, love, familiarity, and security my 'extended family' imparted on me throughout my life.  for one of these special people, aunt judie, i crafted a '30's reproduction fabric' quilt to give her the virtual hug that i couldn't be there to deliver in person when she needed it most.
stippling (my first time)
 i stippled for the first time on this quilt!  it was a bit challenging and i used a ton of thread, but, the end result was pleasing.

border quilting (back)
for the border, i sewed two imperfect lines using the walking foot and then random swirls in between.  oh, and i just learned, if you use one color of thread on the spool and the other in the bobbin, the top and bottom fabrics will have the corresponding color!  so intuitive, yet so convoluted (thank you, suzie!).